Emu NL (ABN 50 127 291 927) (Company) gives notice to shareholders of an amendment to the explanatory memorandum (Explanatory Memorandum) accompanying the Notice of General Meeting dated 13 March 2023 (Notice) for the general meeting of the Company to be held at 5pm (AWST) Thursday, 11 April 2024, at the Celtic Club, 48 Ord Street, West Perth, WA 6005 (Meeting).


In the last line item (“First settlement date for trades made on post-consolidation basis”) of the indicative table in the Explanatory Memorandum on page 4, the date “7 May 2024” is deleted and replaced with “8 May 2024”.


This Addendum is supplemental to the original Notice and Explanatory Memorandum and should be read together with the Notice and Explanatory Memorandum. To the extent of any inconsistency, this Addendum will prevail over the original Notice and Explanatory Memorandum.

Definitions in the Notice have the same meaning in this Addendum unless otherwise updated in this Addendum.

This Addendum should be read in its entirety. If Shareholders are in doubt as to how they should vote, they should seek advice from their professional advisers prior to voting or considering whether to alter their vote.

Authorised for release by:

Damien Kelly, Company Secretary

Full Notice